Eggtimer Quark dual-deployment controller


8 in stock

SKU: ET-QK-K Category:


Wizard Rockets is proud to stock the Eggtimer Quark dual-deployment controller. This compact piece of electronics measures your flight altitude and can trigger ejection charges at apogee and at a configurable altitude above ground during descent.

As one of the most cost-effective and compact dual-deployment controllers the Eggtimer Quark also opens up possibilities of adding multiple deployment controllers into rockets to minimise the risk of failed ejection.

These kits are sold unbuilt. Good soldering skills are required to complete these kits, though they can be assembled within an hour with a steady hand.

Once complete further integration work will be required. Full documentation for the Eggtimer Quark is available on the Eggtimer Rocketry website here.

You will need:

  • Good soldering skills, some of these components are relatively small and easily damaged if they are overheated. If you are uncomfortable with soldering this kit yourself please check out the pre-built units linked below.
  • Some electronics integration (simple soldering) to provide the power switch required by most safety codes (see the UKRA Safety Code here).
  • A suitable power source.
    Wizard Rockets recommends a minimum of a fully charged LiIon battery (3.7-4.2v) if using electronic matches and a minimum of 6v for high current igniters. Maximum recommended voltage is 12v.
  • Electronic matches or igniters.
    Wizard Rockets recommends the orange-wired firework igniters readily available online.
  • A method of integrating the ejection charge(s) into your build.

Wizard Rockets recommends that all ejection charges are ground-tested before flight to ensure that ejection is reliable and consistent.

Jumper settings
If you hold the assembled circuit board with the battery connection on the left and the deployment charge connector (the green terminal block) to the right the jumpers are:

  • Left (nearest the battery connector): The drogue delay setting. With this jumper absent there is no delay and the drogue ejection charge occurs as close to apogee as possible. With this jumper present the drogue ejection charge is delayed by one second. This allows the possibility of using two deployment controllers (for example two Quarks) in the same rocket and staggering the drogue ejection charges to avoid both the primary and the backup charge going off at the same time.
  • Middle: The main parachute altitude deployment. With this jumper absent the main parachute deployment will occur 500′ above launch altitude. With this jumper present the main parachute deployment will occur 300′ above launch altitude.
  • Right (nearest the green terminal block): Main parachute ‘high altitude’ switch. With this jumper absent the main deployment altitude is as per the setting of the middle jumper above. With this jumper present 500′ is added to the deployment altitude, allowing you to choose deployment at either 800′ or 1000′ depending on the setting of the middle jumper.

This is the full combination of settings available for the three jumpers:

Main deployment altitude Drogue deployment Drogue +1S
Left (nearest the battery connector)
Main 300/500
Main +500 (high altitude)
Right (nearest the green terminal block)
500′ (150m) Apogee Absent Absent Absent
Apogee plus one second Present Absent Absent
1000′ (300m) Apogee Absent Absent Present
Apogee plus one second Present Absent Present
300′ (90m) Apogee Absent Present Absent
Apogee plus one second Present Present Absent
800′ (245m) Apogee Absent Present Present
Apogee plus one second Present Present Present

Important note: Due to the possibility of mistakes during assembly, the kit version of this product does not come with any warranty once the bags are unsealed.  Please verify that all components are present and correct before opening the anti-static bags.  Assembled or partially assembled products are not covered by warranty. Where possible, we will try to help you diagnose any problems.
