Useful Information
East Anglian Rocketry Society (near Cambridge)
Fins Over Gwent (near Cardiff/Bristol)
Midland Rocketry Club (near Tamworth)
Scottish Aeronautics and Rocketry Association (near Glasgow)
Mach XX is hosted in Scotland and draws teams from around the UK to meet a specified altitude and payload target.
Spaceport America Cup is aimed at university students and challenges them to build a complex high power rocket to be launched in the US with over a hundred competing teams.
UKROC is aimed at students aged 11 – 18 from any secondary schools, colleges, educational facilities or youth groups to design, build and launch a model rocket with a fragile payload.
UKSEDS National Rocketry Championship challenges teams with designing, building and launching a mid-power rocket with the primary goal of reaching the greatest altitude possible.
Other organisations
British Model Flying Association (BMFA) offers insurance for rocketry and is the defacto supplier of insurance for most hobbyists.
Rocket School is a UK organisation run by enthusiasts to encourage and support participation in rocketry for children and young adults.
United Kingdom Rocketry Association (UKRA) represents the interests of hobby and amateur rocket flyers at a national level. UKRA manages multiple certification and achievement programs.