Aerotech high-power RMS hardware has a number of components
- The casing. This is a polished aluminium tube which varies in length according to the size of the motor reload. The tube has a thread at each end to mount the front and rear closures.
- The forward/front closure. This screws into the casing and retains all of the front of the motor reload, the delay grain (for ejection) and the ejection charge itself.
- The aft/rear closure. This screws into the casing and retains the rear nozzle and the motor reload.
- O-rings, spacers and miscelleanous hardware. Different motor reloads have different requirements. Most of these components are provided in the reload kits themselves. The notable exception is the “forward seal disc”, which is used in higher-power reloads to align, space and seal the reload correctly in the casing.
To simplify purchasing a customer may buy the individual components separately or together as a kit. The kits are much more cost effective, especially when included in our special offer bundles.
When purchasing high-power rocketry hardware purchasers should be aware of the following terminology:
- Casing: This is the bare aluminium tube and does not include any hardware. A flier would typically purchase a bare casing when they already have other hardware for the RMS system and wish to extend the variety of motors they can fly.
- Motor: This is the kit comprising the aluminium tube and supporting hardware. To fly matching reloads you normally only need to buy the motor reload.
- Reload Adapter System (RAS): This is a kit comprising a set of spacers to allow you to install smaller motor reloads in a larger case.