Note: All launches are weather dependent and it is absolutely critical that you check with the rocketry club before travelling. Most rocketry clubs are very active both on their websites and on Facebook; both are great ways of confirming if the event is going ahead.

January / FebruaryN/ANot attending launch events
Sunday 2nd MarchEARS
Sunday 9th MarchMRC
Sunday 16th MarchFOG
Sunday 6th AprilEARS
Sunday 13th AprilMRC
Sunday 20th AprilFOGNot attending
Friday 2nd – Monday 5th MayEARSBig EARS event
Sunday 11th MayMRC
Sunday 18th MayFOG
Sunday 1st JuneEARS
Friday 13th – 15th JuneMRCSummer Sky’s event
Sunday 15th JuneFOGNot attending
Sunday 6th JulyEARSSubject to crop conditions
Sunday 13th JulyMRCSubject to crop conditions
Sunday 20th JulyFOGNot attending
Sunday 17th AugustFOG
AugustSARAInternational Rocket Week
Sunday 7th SeptemberEARS
Friday 12th – Sunday 14th Sept MRCMidland SKY Event
Sunday 21st SeptemberFOG
Sunday 5th OctoberEARS
Sunday 12th OctoberMRC
Sunday 19th OctoberFOG
November / DecemberN/ANot attending launch events